March 17, 2012

Ireland Revisited

Happy Saint Patrick's Day, everyone!

In honor of this delightful day, I thought I'd share a few photos from my visit to Ireland with my parents back in June 2005. It was the end of my semester studying in France {and the end of my college career} and my parents took me to Ireland as my graduation present. And let me just tell you--there was absolutely no better gift for me than to visit the land I had always dreamed of...

I think this is my absolute favorite picture of myself ever, sitting on the shores of my Emerald Isle:

The Cliffs of Moher were just a WEE bit wet and windy!!!

We were only in Ireland for 3 1/2 days, but we packed so much in and made endless unforgettable memories. We stayed in Bed and Breakfasts, then drove our little rental car all up and down the western coast of Ireland.

The breathtaking views were never-ending. By far, Ireland was the most beautiful and magical place I have ever visited in the world. Now my heart is longing, ever longing, to return...

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for taking me to the enchanted island that is Ireland, giving me the most special gift I ever could have asked for. Our memories made there are among my life's most treasured moments. I love you.

{Check back tomorrow as I share all our St. Paddy's day celebrating this year...}


  1. It WAS an amazing trip!! That place captured my heart too. Such a great memory...

  2. Ohhh, Ireland looks hauntigly magical! It's my dream to be able to go to Europe someday. xx

  3. What a great way to put it, Sheryl: "hauntingly magical." That it was, indeed! Despite my time living/studying/working in other countries in Europe, Ireland still tops my list after only a 4 day visit...maybe even #1? I want to go back so badly to see more, but from what we saw, I can definitely recommend western Ireland to you.


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