June 12, 2012

Summertime, Bicycles, and Drive-Ins

Michigan summertime is in full swing. This afternoon was too hot for my liking, so Matt and I spent a few hours bicycle shopping. We each found one we loved in our price range, so we headed home and geared up to take them for a spin.

My Birthday Bike

S is for Schwinn. I couldn't decide between this one or a different teal Schwinn.
Clearly teal equals summertime to me!

It was almost six pm, and we were getting pretty hungry, so we decided to ride to an old-fashioned drive-in diner near to us: Eddie's Drive-In, to be exact.

The weather was absolutely ideal as we sat and ate our dinners. Eddie's is right across the road from the lake and we enjoyed a warm, balmy breeze coming off the waters.

Warm summer evenings are so lovely. I can't wait for all the evening bike rides Matt and I will enjoy this year! Welcome summertime, welcome.


  1. What a great bike! I love the S on the seat and the colour :). I so miss little drive-ins. They seem to always have the best food. Please enjoy them for me as it refuses to be summer in England and I don't think drive-ins like these exist!

  2. As much as I love diners, I think I'd trade them in a heartbeat for England. I just ADORE England--despite the wet, cold summers there! I'll think of you next time we're at Eddie's Drive-in. :)


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