October 2, 2012

Gender Reveal

Our little, intimate gender reveal gathering was such a fun and memorable night! It meant so much to Matt and I that both sets of our parents made a considerable drive just to participate in our special moment.

To preface our little reveal: Matt and I were going to open a "present" in front of our parents. This present contained a gender-neutral stuffed monkey {the only gender-neutral small animal Target had!}. We brought the box, the monkey, and a pink and blue ribbon to our ultrasound appointment. We asked the ultrasound tech to leave the room, tie the correct colored ribbon around the monkey's neck, then throw the other ribbon away. She did so and put the monkey safely back into the box. {Once in the car after the appointment, I taped the box shut with packaging tape to eliminate temptation. Then I wrapped the present, again using packaging tape, as soon as we arrived home. Matt and I were so good and didn't sneak a peek!}

Here is the present just before the reveal:

And now.....

without further ado...

we discovered that our little baby is.....


Ok be honest....how many of you scrolled down to this part before reading the beginning part of this blog post??!

Matt and I are beyond thrilled!!

While Matt didn't really have a "feeling" about the gender of our baby from the start, I most definitely did. I felt very strongly that it was a girl. Yet I didn't let my mind linger upon this at all; I was too afraid of dreaming about how fun it would be to have a girl and then end up feeling any tinge of disappointment if we discovered our baby was in fact a boy. It was helpful that at my last OB/GYN checkup, our baby's heart rate was a bit on the lower spectrum. I then had a dream a few days later that our baby was a boy. So by the time our gender reveal gathering happened, I really felt uncertain about our baby's gender.

It was so incredibly fun to have our parents there with us when we learned about our baby GIRL! I couldn't have imagined anything more special. I love that we all shared that moment together.

And now, it is SO FUN to know our baby's gender and be able to say "she" or "her." We are just loving this!


  1. Yay! Yay! Yay! Girls are so much fun! Boys are sweet too, but I know what you mean about possibly being dissappointed. I was a little bit when I found out we were having Teague even though I quickly got over it. Congrats to a extra little sugar and spice in your life. You are so blessed!

  2. Hooray!!!! Girls are the best!!! So happy for you two!


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