March 15, 2013

Meet Jacob

Like many other things, I am so very overdue on sharing this news...

If you remember, my gorgeous big sister, Erin, was expecting the arrival of a sweet little boy just 12 days after me. Well, Makenna came a few days early, and just ten days later, Erin delivered a healthy baby boy: Jacob Robert Taylor, to be known as "Jake." What a welcome addition he is to our family, indeed!!! 

Photo courtesy of Claire Olvey Photography

Oh, I am just so in love with this little man!

Jake is exactly five weeks younger than his older brother, Noah. Here they are together:

I just couldn't be happier for my sister and my brother-in-law, Dan! What a blessing that their family grew from three, to four, to five within a matter of weeks.

And yes, I am dying inside because I have yet to meet these sweet baby boys. {And my sister, Dan, and the boys have yet to meet Makenna}. Because of the timing of how close our deliveries were, plus the now-necessary quarantine of Makenna at home, we haven't yet gotten together and unfortunately it looks like it will be until the end of April {at the earliest} until we can all meet. I'm dying, I tell you, just dying!!! Add in the fact that my sister-in-law, Jennie, will also be delivering here in a few short weeks and, well...I'm just beside myself. 

That will prove to be one of my greatest challenges in the coming weeks--having patience. But it is so very, very hard to be patient when I have newborn family members to meet, and family who needs to meet Makenna also! Can you fathom how hard this is for me?!? I'm just praying these coming weeks pass quickly!

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