May 30, 2013

May Recap

May was a BIG month for our little family since Makenna's post-RSV quarantine officially ended! To say that it has been wonderful to bring Makenna out with us everywhere to meet all kinds of people is an enormous understatement.

Makenna loved bonding with family members. She's a charmer, this one!

Snuggling with Aunt Karen

Four generations of Perry's

Oh, how she loves her Papa!

Makenna already has a best friend, Melanie. Melanie is the daughter of our friends Aaron and Trisha in our small group. She is three months older than Makenna and they already love each other!

Of course, May means Mother's Day, and my very first Mother's Day couldn't have been any sweeter. It also was a big day for Makenna, as it was her Baby Dedication at church.

What a great honor it was to dedicate Makenna's life to the Lord.

Makenna and her wonderful Grandparents:

It was such a lovely Mother's Day: being with our Moms, going out for a delicious lunch after church, and then coming back to our house, where I made Nutella crepes for dessert.

Matt and Makenna treated me to these gorgeous flowers with minature roses in honor of our "Makenna Rose." I also got a certificate for a massage at a spa which was greatly needed after all the many hours I spend nursing!

And, {a few weeks back}, Makenna had her three month birthday:

Oh, dear me. How this little lady lights up our life! She is a sheer delight and more fun by the day as she grows ever more interactive. She's still one happy, contented baby and smiles all the time. Matt and I especially love it when we're holding her, then look away for a bit, then look back at her to find that she's been smiling at us even when we aren't looking.

Shes growing more active and vocal by the minute. She loves being sang to, getting kissed, looking at books, and being tickled. Makenna still hates tummy time but she's tolerating it for longer periods of time. And though she's growing more active, she's handling all of her outings like a pro, going to church, on shopping trips, and dining at restaurants, all the while staying quiet and behaving like a little lady.

Our Makenna Rose just makes life so sweet. We couldn't imagine life without her!

There are still so many family members and friends who have yet to meet Makenna, so these next several months are going to be extra-fun with all the first time introductions. Three cheers for being out of confinement and getting to finally discover the world!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures!! So glad you are out of confinement and so looking forward to meeting Makenna...when are we having lunch????


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