October 26, 2013

Life Updates

In the midst of our whirlwind of Fall activities, I'd like to take a moment to update you on a few major things in the Perry household.

First of all, I thought I should update the circumstances surrounding my recent post on Matt's job and being on furlough during the government shutdown. You're well aware that the government is up and running again after a two week-long shutdown. This of course means Matt is back to work. We really made the most of Matt's time at home, but it's great to be back into a regular routine. Most importantly, we are incredibly thankful that the government is going to give back-pay to all the employees furloughed during the shutdown. That's a big answer to prayer not only for us, but lots of other families out there, too.

Secondly, I am excited to share an enormous blessing that has come our way in regards to my job status. I had explained in a previous post that once Makenna was born, I sadly had to leave my position as an unplanned pregnancy and adoption counselor because I wasn't earning enough to pay for what the childcare costs would be. But what we had planned as income was for me to continue my job as a nanny one day per week. It was going to be perfect--working one day per week with a family I loved and being able to bring Makenna with me. Unfortunately for me, {but fortunately for the sweet mom I worked for}, she was offered a permanent position working as a nurse on weekends only, meaning they would no longer need me. Matt and I were scratching our heads, unable to devise a plan of what I could possibly do for part-time work that wouldn't require a majority of that income to go towards childcare for Makenna.

Fast forward to this past summer, when I was contacted by my former boss and friend from Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine Admissions Office. Imagine my complete and utter shock when she asked if I'd be interested in interviewing for a part-time work-from-home position! I literally ran around the house saying "Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord! Thank you LORD!"

I was so honored to be offered the position and I began working in August. The job is part-time, working for only half of the year during the application cycle for MSU's medical school. You can now understand a bit more why my blogging has really been scarce lately--not only have I been learning how to be a mom for the first time, I'm now also learning how to be a full-time mom and work-from-home mom, too.

To say that this job is a blessing is about the biggest understatement I could possibly make. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that my former position with this office would have one day afforded me a work-from-home job. Of course, you can see that the timing really couldn't have been any more perfect, either! I also find the work I do to be incredibly fulfilling--another huge blessing. I am pinching myself every single day, scarcely believing that I have been so blessed to be able to work from home and contribute to our household income while getting to be a full-time, stay-at-home mom. I'm in awe!

And lastly, late as can be {since this happened two weeks ago}, our darling Makenna has now reached the eight month mark.

What I am loving so intensely is how much Makenna's little personality has started to develop.

What isn't surprising is that she remains to be such a happy baby. She still remains incredibly social and absolutely loves interacting with people of any age. Makenna has no anxiety whatsoever when we drop her off at the church nursery. One Sunday I was volunteering in the nursery, and Makenna didn't even notice I was there!

She is very independent and very active, yet she loves to cuddle with me and Matt when she's tired. She absolutely loves her Daddy, but there have been a few moments these past weeks where she's clearly shown she wants to be held by me. Poor Matt!

As Makenna hit the eight month mark, she wasn't yet crawling, but very nearly. Well she is now full-on crawling, sitting up on her own from laying down, and attempting to pull up on furniture. Matt and I are currently in baby-proofing mode and are adjusting to the huge change that comes with a mobile baby!

Lastly, Makenna and I have joined MOPS at our church. This is a great social time for both of us. I have to admit that I'm especially thankful for the adult-time this offers me, since I don't get that on a daily basis outside of the house! It's incredibly helpful to have a place to connect with other moms and gain new friendships. I think I'll need to look for even further social outlets for the two of us so we don't go stir-crazy this winter.

I'll leave you with a photo of me and Makenna, wearing the same outfit. {Thank you so much, Mom, for saving this! I'm loving it!!}

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