I've created a second slideshow of our weekend in Tobago. It showcases the resort (and the view from our room--of the pool AND the ocean!), our Sunday morning visit to a Church of God, a boat trip, and of course, gorgeous scenery!
The boat trip was my favorite part of our time in Tobago. For only $15, a group of us went on a two hour trip on a glass-bottom boat. The glass-bottom part makes our boat sound luxurious...on the contrary! You'll see it in the slideshow--we kept joking that we were going out to sea, but most likely wouldn't make it back! The tour people even picked us up at our hotel. However, they transported 10 of us in a very small white pickup truck, which meant 7 of us were piled in the bed of the truck--awesome. The tour itself was amazing! Our boat floated over a shallow reef and our guide explained all about the fish and plants we were looking at. Then we got into the water to snorkle over the reef. Our guides almost didn't let us snorkle because the waves were so choppy and the current so strong that they were afraid for us. But they agreed to let us do it as long as the whole time we were in the water, we would hold onto a long rope that was tied behind the boat. It was so fun!!
Then our boat took us over to a very famous part of Tobago--Nylon Pool (named by Princess Margaret). It's a huge sandbar located a few miles off the shoreline. You can get out of your boat to enjoy the water because it's ony about 3 to 4 feet deep! The water is warm, clear, and calm. It was so amazing to be standing in shallow water when we were so far from the island! You'll see pictures of Nylon Pool in the slideshow, also. And the other awesome thing--normally Nylon Pool is full of other boats taking out tourists to wade there, but our boat trip began at 9 am (due to our flight schedule) unlike the rest of the boats who begin at 11, so we were the only ones out there! It was so peaceful and so gorgeous. I could have stayed out there all day!
A few last pictures to share...
Check out this guy's dreadlocks! All the way to his knees!
Can you image how heavy that must be?!?
Pink faces after a day in the sun.
He was stinkin' hilarous! He got to know each of us in our group
and I think he was everyone else's favorite kid, too!
Back in Detroit--posing for one last picture.
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