Jane spent one week with me here in Debrecen. Unfortunately, the weather was not nearly as pleasant as what we had experienced in Budapest.
Poor Jane...I'm afraid she got a bit bored here. There already isn't a lot to do/see in Debrecen, and Jane wasn't interested in shopping too much. Wouldn't you know that the Great Reform Church {the big yellow church and symbol of Debrecen} is closed for renovation, and the main museum in Debrecen is currently closed for renovation, as well as a restaurant where I wanted to take Jane being {you'll never guess...} closed for renovation.
We did a lot of walking, talking, and eating out. I took Jane to the University of Debrecen's campus and showed her the Great Forest. We visited one small museum that displays religious relics from Debrecen's history. We also went to the cinema twice and watched lots of girly DVDs in our pajamas.
Best of all, Jane and I discovered the most marvelous little tea house which we visited a few times. They have a truly exceptional list of teas and specialty drinks and I have had tea there unlike anything I've ever had before! The tables are low to the ground and the patrons lounge on cushions and pillows, all the while enjoying the Hindu-inspired décor and music and the soft scents of aromatherapy. I plan on being a regular customer there during the remainder of my time in Debrecen!
Jane came to the high school where I teach to join me in my lessons. I thought it would be a wonderful and rare chance for my students to hear an American accent and British accent compared side by side, in person. Jane also helped me teach my students about all of the many different words that are used in British English versus American English. I could tell the students really enjoyed Jane being there as they were unusually attentive!
Jane left last week, and our goodbye was as sad and tearful as our goodbye two years ago in Gatwick airport. She is such a dear friend to my heart and we had such a lovely couple of weeks together. I am so blessed to have Jane as my friend!
In the park behind the Great Reform Church |
A view of the park |
Not sure who this is, but he's appears to be quite important! |
This was a room in the museum we visited, filled with the most ancient-looking
books and manuscripts. We weren't allowed to take photos inside, so this is
a photo of a photo found on the sign outside the museum. |
Oh, except I snapped this photo sans-flash. |
I fell in love with the weathered and warped wooden steps that have
been tread upon for centuries. |
Equally enamored with the beautiful hand-painted doors... |
Debrecen on a dreary day |
A better view of the walking street and tram tracks |
Enjoying some soothing tea in the tea house |
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