December 20, 2011

Orange, Spice, and Everything Nice

It was just a year ago, when I was able to experience the Christmas season in Hungary, that I was first introduced to the idea of scenting one's home with oranges and cloves.

I was spending the afternoon at the home of my close friends, the Baksa family. We had a delightful time making gingerbread cookies and decorating them, but we also decorated oranges by pushing whole cloves into the skins. Mariann explained to me that doing this to several oranges makes the most wonderful, spiced fragrance to scent the air. She was right! 

The Baksa family sent me home with an orange of my own:

I recently came across this same idea on Pinterest not too long ago, and was reminded of how simply brilliant it is.

Having just returned from the grocery store, I now have a bagful of juicy, plump oranges and my whole spice cloves. I can't wait to get our little apartment smelling so lovely with the scent of spiced oranges.

I highly recommend you try this for yourself! It just may be the easiest DIY home fragrance ever, perfect for Christmastime.

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