Two weeks ago from today was March 20th--my last full day in Hungary.
It was a Sunday, which meant lots of free time to spend with people and also the perfect opportunity to say all my goodbyes at church.
To tell you the truth, it was one of the hardest, saddest days of my life. How could I begin to say "thank you" and "goodbye" to all these wonderful people; these people who had helped to make what could have been one of the worst periods in my life, one of the very best times in my life?
The Szasz family: Nori, Csilla, Rebeka {in Csilla's tummy}, Robi, and Fanni |
The Fekete kids: Tibike, Agica, and Tomi |
Bogi |
Gerda |
Zsuzsi |
Marianna |
My beloved Rachel |
I cried so much that day. My heart was breaking. Of course I will see them again--I will go back--there is no doubt of that. But I am deeply missing the presence of all these dear people in my life right now.
When I think back on my time in Hungary, I feel so overwhelmingly blessed. Blessed beyond my wildest dreams. Blessed far beyond what I deserve. These relationships I've made will last the rest of my lifetime and so I know the blessings shall continue without cease.
I was amazed as I was reading your Hungarian words. Love you :)
Thanks so much for taking us to Hungary with you. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey because you made it come alive with your poetic prose. You're a really good writer and photographer.
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